Saturday, September 5, 2009

I was hoping to create a Cloze exercise for a class tomorrow but couldn't find a template for such. It's probably out there somewhere but I haven't got time to search further at the moment.
I did find a Resume format which I revised as a Proforma for data collection for incoming students with Special Needs. Could be quite useful, but I still prefer to interview incoming parents and students with a paper format, rather than typing info on-line. When one is meeting a student for the first time at age 16 or 17, and this student has been through numerous assessments over the course of their life to date, I find the need to 'engage' in a non-threatening environment outweighs the efficiency of record-keeping from behind a computer in an interview situaion. I can still enter data, post-interview!

I think I can still produce Cloze documents as quickly as necessary, using Word, but would like to investigate Google tools further.

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